This course is to study electromagnetic waves. We will first understand the basic concepts of a wave. An electromagnetic wave contains vector components of electric and magnetic fields. It is better to learn the subject from the viewpoint of a scalar wave. Following the conceptive understanding of a wave, we will start to study the voltage and current waves on a transmission line. We then study the vector fields in a plane wave. Once we learn about the reflection and transmission of an electromagnetic wave at boundaries, we will try to understand waveguide and cavity as elements for propagating and storing electromagnetic waves in a confined space, respectively. To send and receive an electromagnetic wave, it needs an antenna. The last part of the course is about transmission and receiving antennas.
The textbook chosen for this course is Field and Wave Electromagnetics by D. K. Cheng. As electromagnetics is a well-established knowledge, most other textbooks also serve well for this course.
This course will be lectured mostly in English and slightly in Chinese for clarity.
This course is synchronized with the pre-recorded DELTAMOOCx at
You are encouraged to view the MOOCx course recordings by yourselves before or after the class.
Usually, I will give a 2-hour lecture in the Monday class. Before each lecture (likely to be on each Friday), you will receive a review sheet for you to prepare and review the content to be lectured on Monday. In every Wednesday class, we will partition the class into a few groups to discuss the review sheet. Each student will receive a notification on which group to join before the Wednesday class. Our teaching assistants will lead discussions on review questions. I will move myself into different groups to answer questions. You must turn in the review sheet electronically through the EECLASS by 10 pm on every Wednesday. If you manage to turn in the review sheet by 10 am each Wednesday, you get 10% extra credit. Homework assignments will be given every 2-3 weeks.
Week 1 (Feb. 19, 21): Time-varying field & wave
Week 2 (Feb. 26): Introduction to transmission line (no class on Wednesday, Feb. 28)
Week 3 (March 4, 6): Key features of transmission line
Week 4 (March 11, 13): Smith Chart
Week 5 (March 18, 20): Plane wave (1-hour Midterm Exam #1 on March 20th, scope up to transmission line)
Week 6 (March 25, 27): Polarization of EM wave
Week 7 (April 1): EM wave in material (no class on Apr. 3rd)
Week 8 (April 8, 10): EM power and energy
Week 9 (April 15, 17): EM wave incident on conducting boundaries
Week 10 (April 22, 24): EM wave incident on dielectric boundaries
Week 11 (April 29, May 1): Introduction to waveguide (1-hour Midterm Exam #2 on May 1st, scope up to Week-9 materials)
Week 12 (May 6, 8): Rectangular waveguide
Week 13 (May 13, 15): Cylindrical waveguide
Week 14 (May 20, 22): Dielectric waveguide
Week 15 (May 27, 29): Resonator of EM wave
Week 16 (Jun. 3, 5): Dipole antenna
Week 17 (June 12): Linear antenna (no class on Jun. 10)
Week 18 (June 17) – Final Exam
Homework 10% (late homework not accepted)
Weekly review/quiz (open books/notes)* 30%
Two midterm exam 30% (each accounts for 15%)
One final exam 30%