Week |
Topics |
Labs and Exams |
1 2/18 |
Course Introduction CH. 1 Getting Ready CH. 2 Introducing C |
2 2/25 |
CH. 3 Data and C CH. 4 Formatted Input/Output |
3 3/4 |
Binary Representations CH. 5 Operators, Expressions, and Statements |
4 3/11 |
CH. 7 Control Statements: Branching |
5 3/18 |
CH. 8 Character I/O and Redirection |
6 3/25 |
期中考 停課一次 |
期中考(電腦教室上機考) Midterm Exam Online Judge 本週二和週四晚上舉行期中考,每位同學會隨機分配至其中一個考試時段。 3/25 Tue. && 3/27 Thu. |
7 4/1 |
CH. 9 Functions and Recursion |
8 4/8 |
CH. 9 Functions and Recursion |
9 4/15 |
CH. 9 Functions and Recursion CH. 10 Arrays and Pointers |
10 4/22 |
期中考 停課一次 |
期中考(電腦教室上機考) Midterm Exam Online Judge 4/22 Tue. && 4/24 Thu. |
11 4/29 |
期中考 停課一次 |
期中考(電腦教室上機考) Midterm Exam Online Judge 4/29 Tue. && 5/1Thu. (5/2 二退截止日 Deadline to withdraw from the course) |
12 5/6 |
CH. 10 Arrays and Pointers Pointers CH. 11 String Functions
CH. 13 File Input/Output |
13 5/13 |
CH. 12 Memory Management CH. 14 Structures |
Term Project Hackathon Expected on 5/18 (Sun.) |
14 5/20 |
CH. 12 Memory Management CH. 14 Structures |
15 5/27 |
CH. 14 Structures CH. 17 Advanced Data Representations Linked Lists |
16 6/3 |
期末考 停課 |
期末考(電腦教室上機考) Final Exam 6/3 Tue. && 6/5 Thu. with Written Exam . |
17 6/10 |
Final Project Demo 6/10 |
C Primer Plus by Stephen Prata
可以清大圖書館找到電子版 NTHU Library Ebook
中文版 (已絕版) https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010688757
I2P 2023 上課 Colab Notebook: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LIyow9X2QPhicTFtJoixdqUGr9VDxgLe?usp=sharing
2020 年課程錄影以及助教時間影片清單:
I2P1 2022 上課 Colab Notebook: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IfZqs3Wa6xbFTBOQTjIKR1FRw42KY_Hg?usp=sharing
期中考 20%+20% (電腦教室考試),每位同學總共有三次考試機會, 只取較高的兩次計分。
期末考 37% (電腦教室考試)為期一週,每位同學只能考一次。
筆試 5% (電腦教室考試, 跟期末考一起)